Report: State of in-app subscriptions in the US 2023 Get the report

Price testing

Optimize in-app subscriptions with paywall A/B testing

Schedule a demo
paywall set

Optimize, personalize, and grow in-app subscriptions on the fly

a list

Price & products testing for paywalls without app releases

Configure different prices, trial periods, promo offers, and more in Adapty without app releases.

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ab test

Out-of-the-box measuring

Conversions, trials, revenue, cancellations, and more — everything is calculated for you: each paywall and each A/B test.

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ab metrics page

Customize everything with Remote Config

Change images, colors, layouts and literally anything with a custom JSON. Configure once and change properties without app releases.

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json 2

Fast and native integration with Adapty SDK

Price testing is seamlessly integrated with Adapty SDK for any platform.

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ab sdk
icon g2

4.9 out of 5 stars

SubscriptionAnalytics BestResults Total
SubscriptionAnalytics BestUsability Total
SubscriptionAnalytics MostImplementable Total
SubscriptionRevenueManagement EasiestSetup EaseOfSetup
SubscriptionRevenueManagement HighestUserAdoption Adoption
SubscriptionAnalytics BestRelationship Total